How can I Prevent Lyme Disease:– Perform tick checks of your skin after spending time outdoors.– Consider bathing after spending time outdoors, this can help wash off ticks that have not yet attached, as well as make it easier to find them on your skin.– Wear long sleeves and pants, especially when walking in high grass and wooded areas.– Apply tick repellant to your skin. Products containing at least 20-30% DEET work the best. This will also protect you from mosquito bites.– Apply products containing permethrin (0.5%) to your clothes; as above, this will protect you from mos-quito bites as well.– Perform tick checks on your pets that go outdoors, and ask your veterinarian about any other ways of preventing tick bites and Lyme disease in your pets.– Dry clothes in high heat for one hour to kill any remaining ticks.– In some cases, your doctor may offer a prophylactic, single dose of an antibiotic to prevent Lyme disease after a tick bite. This is not necessary for every tick bite, because the overall risk of contracting Lyme disease from a single tick bite is low, and if treatment is started soon after symptoms start than the prognosis is excellent. […]